Friday, January 15, 2010

Here are five things I have done bad or evil this year…
The first thing was that when my brother was playing a game on Xbox I turned it off and he was really mad he could have killed me that is how mad he got over a video game. He was at the point of punching me in the face he was POED all over a game…
A time when I was nice was when my dad got real sick from smoke at a fire I had to help him after school for a week or something I had to get water and beer and food it was ok for me because he is my dad. I guess that was why it was so easy for me.
Another thing I did bad this year is that I told my parents I was done with my homework and I really wasn’t so the next day she went on the computer god I wish I would not have come home that day I got yelled at so bad and I really regret lying to my parents.
A tie when I was good was when I had to go to my great grandma’s house and I hate going over there because it is really hot. But I figured I would go clean the gutters or something so that was nice.
The last time I was bad was… well my dad parks one of his cars in the garage in the winter so we were playing pass with a hockey ball me and my brother and he ripped a really hard pass at me and it tipped off my hockey stick and hit the rear light and put a crack in it and right at that moment I knew I was In trouble. He found it a week later.

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